Uncomplicate Your Life


Live the life you really want to live.

Simplify your life, clarify your purpose and achieve your goals.

How can I serve you?



Are you ready to clarify and simplify your life so you can achieve your goals? As a pastor and certified coach, Kelvin is passionate about helping others grow.



Book Kelvin Belfon to speak at your next event on the topics of minimalism, team building, ministry, and healthy manhood.


Career Development

Are you called to ministry? Need help preparing for your next opportunity? Kelvin coaches ministry leaders on developing a ministry portfolio and finding new opportunities.


Just Published

A special message for fathers:

You aren’t called to be perfect in your parenting. Be present and do your best!

*Originally created as a Father’s Day encouragement at The Potter’s House Church of Denver

Meet Kelvin

Kelvin’s wide scoop of experience enables him a unique perspective on how to uncomplicate life in order to move into success.


Let your legacy be how you love, how you treat people, and the light you bring to the world.